Category: Events


The American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia organized in Tunis on Tuesday, March 13th, a breakfast debate having the theme of “Startup Act”. This event is organized jointly with the mixed chambers of commerce members of the Council of Mixed Chambers of Tunisia (CCM) and was honored by the presence of H.E Anouar Maarouf, Minister of Technology and Digital Economy, representatives of foreign companies in Tunisia, public and private sector, as well as representatives of mixed chambers in Tunisia.

Foued Lakhoua, President of Tunisian French Chamber of Commerce and of CCM, opened the debate highlighting the importance of the project “Startup Act” for the promotion of the private sector.

Naceur Hidoussi, President of the AmCham Tunisia, thanked the guests for attending the debate of the new law “Startup Act” which will allow Tunisia to open up to the world. Mr. Hidoussi specified that this law consists of 4 chapters and 20 articles and aims to promote job
creation in the sector, the financing of start-ups, protection of intellectual property, administrative procedures, the fluidity of funding and fiscal advantages.

« Technology today has neither barriers nor limits » declared M. Naceur Hidoussi who mentioned essentially examples of companies like Ali Baba and Skype. These latter’s knew shy beginnings with very modest means and which thanks to their perseverance and determination, revolutionized technology all over the world.

The launch of the startup act was moderated by Mr. Mohamed Bridaa, AmCham Board Member and Manager of Microsoft Tunisia.

H.E, The Minister noted that the project will help Tunisia with both regional and international integration and will impact the change of economic vision. Me.Maya Boureghda, a member of the panel and flag bearer of the project, noted that the young Tunisian entrepreneurs feel blocked by laws and barricaded by a paralyzing system insisting on the necessity of this bill which will help them to work and to rely on their own. Measures that have existed for a good decade and are not implemented should be taken in order to draft this bill.

Me. Boughreda concluded her intervention quoting that the “Start up Act” is defined as the law of hope which measures will boost entrepreneurs and encourage them to undertake while taking advantage of security measures.

Bassem Bouguerra talked about his experience with many startups and exposed the case of polytechnic students who presented innovative end-of-studies projects, the majority of whom concluded contracts of employment in France and Germany. He emphasized that it is imperative to encourage them to stay in their country by facilitating their project.

Oussama Messaoud, manager of DATAVORA, presented his company and talked about his idea which consists on filling and exploiting information on the E-commerce market and present this data in a package format to the businessmen concerned.

He also noted that in his company they went personally look for customs abroad (USA), presented them their expertise and were forced to align at their same level of competence so that they can satisfy them.

Noomane El Fehri was among the guests present and intervened by welcoming this bill initiative through which the role of the state will become a role of catalyst and not a retarder.


Tunis, January 31st, 2018 – In close collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and the Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), The American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia launched today the U.S project EXPORT LAB 2018- 2019 in the presence of the President of the AmCHam Mr. Naceur Hidoussi, the different official representatives of the organisms acting in aiding this program and the media.

The conference held today had for purpose to introduce the Export Lab Program, this program consists of helping 45 small and average Tunisian businesses to export their products and services to the United States of America.

This project will have duration of 18 months which will include the necessary training and certifications to allow partnership with American entities.

Mr. Samir Azzi, President and acting Executive Director of the CEPEX, began the debate by insisting that they have been working on this initiative for the past 3 years to put it in motion and access the American market as it is one of the most prominent and receptive international markets.
Also, Mrs. Ikhlas Haddar, a representative of the Tunisian Ministry of Commerce, points out that this program is part of the strategy of diversifying the commercial exportation to new destinations undertaken by the Tunisian Ministry of Commerce.

She reveals that we have long closely worked with the U.S administration to implement such program and enable commercial exchange between the two nations.

Furthermore, Mrs. Rim Ayari, Vice- President of the AmCham Tunisia has indicated that the eligibility criteria for selection are that the businesses must be recognized by the state but also the quality of the product being exported, a minimal experience required in dealing with international markets, a good economic situation and finally the capacity of production of the business in order to meet the demand of the American market.

She continued “we are developing an online platform to allow the businesses selected to display their products for eventual customers to place their orders and pay online”, this will facilitate the process of purchasing and shipping the merchandise.

In addition, the project will have a special consideration for women and youth.
The 45 businesses selected will have to operate solely on 3 main fields that are:
– The food industry
– IT and new technologies
– Craft activities

The interested businesses can still apply until February 10th, 2018 through the AmCham Tunisia official site online or office by filling an application form.

A committee after thorough study will select 15 businesses in each field.

The main objective of the Export LAB, is to create employment and increase the diversification of Tunisian exportation towards the American market.

Consequently, the program will operate on the totality of the Tunisian territory.
The AmCham Tunisia is devoted to enhancing various partnerships and exchanges with the U.S and is engaged to developing the Tunisian economy and the youth thereby, remaining loyal to its socio- economic visions.


As part of the activities of the Council of Mixed Chambers (CCM), the members of the various bilateral chambers were invited to attend, on Tuesday, January 9, 2018, a breakfast debate on the main provisions of the new Finance Act 2018. presence of the Minister of Finance, Ridha Chalghoum and his team within the Ministry of Finance.

The Minister emphasized in his speech the importance of the stability of the fiscal framework and legal regulation. As a result, he highlighted the support mechanisms provided by the 2018 Finance Law to promote SMEs, key businesses in the Tunisian economy, as well as the measures taken to boost regional development zones.
Ms Sihem Nemsia, General Director of Studies and Tax Legislation, presented the 2018 Finance Law in detail and also responded to the concerns expressed by all investors regarding the increase of various tax rates, in particular the rate of VAT and corporate taxes and the vagueness surrounding tax measures, modified every year. Mr. Maher Kharrat, Comptroller General at Customs, who answered critical questions about new customs procedures, considered harmful to attract foreign investment.

Mr. Foued Lakhoua, President of the Tuniso-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry and President of the CCM, stressed the importance of putting in place measures guaranteeing the stability of the fiscal framework and encouraging investment, thus enabling the revival of economic activity in Tunisia.

Mr. Ferdinand Terburg, Vice-President of the Tunisian-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, stressed the need for investors to have access to solid and reliable regulations so that Tunisians could impose attractive investment internationally.

Finally, closing the conference, the President of the AmCham Tunisia, Mr. Naceur Hidoussi, focused on the IT sector, sector of the future, which is likely to be sanctioned strongly by the increases of taxes relating to this branch.

The Council of Mixed Chambers consists of the Tuniso-French, Tuniso-German, Tuniso-Italian, Tuniso-British, Tuniso-Swiss, Tuniso-Belgo-Luxembourgeoise, TunisoAmerican, Tuniso-Japanese, Tuniso-Dutch, Tuniso-Spanish, Tuniso Chambers -Polish, TunisoScandinave, Tunisian-Canadian, Tunisian-Chinese and Tunisian-Swedish.


The American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia (AmCham Tunisia) organized on December 6th, 2017, a lunch debate on “Consolidating US-Tunisian Economic Partnership”. The keynote speaker of the event was H. E. Mr. Omar Behi, Minister of Commerce with the presence of H. E. Daniel H. Rubinstein, U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia as our guest of honor.

AmCham Tunisia President, Mr. Naceur Hidoussi, warmly welcomed the Minister, the Ambassador as well as AmCham Tunisia members and guests.

In his speech, Amcham Tunisia President, highlighted the commitment and readiness of AmCham Tunisia to boost and strengthen partnerships and cooperations between Tunisia and The United States of America. Mr Hidoussi added further that AmCham Tunisia is actively participating in improving the investment environment in Tunisia. He revealed two major ongoing projects:

Project 1: The Export Lab: A program developed in partnership with MEPI. It will target 45 Companies from ICT, Handicraft and Agribusiness, and will provide the qualifying companies with training, technical assistance, as well as the necessary labelling and certification that are often required in order to export to the USA.

Project 2: California Chapter Extension. The Chapter is being led by the Tunisian Diaspora with the main objective of helping Tunisian companies do business in The United States, through providing commercial assistance, networking and several other services.

In his speech the Minister said that Tunisia is moving more towards an open competitive and integrated economy through the diversification of its partners and he also spoke about the benefits of GSP for Tunisian exporters and the technical and commercial partnerships proposed by the united states.

The event was an excellent opportunity for the participants to discuss, have their questions answered and their thoughts and ideas thoroughly considered. The outcome was a brainstorming of ideas and solutions to strengthen and maximize the economic partnership between both countries, as well as addressing issues such as the GSP.

Amcham Tunisia Annual Golf Tournament 2017, Residence Golf Gammarth

With AmCham: Fun! Networking! A Day of Golf!

On November 25th, 2017, AmCham Tunisia hosted again its Annual Golf Tournament. Players have been gathered to enjoy a day of relaxation and golf along with the lovely amenities that make being on the green a great day of fun.

Starting with an 8:00 AM registration, more than 80 participants teed off at 9:00 AM competing for Hole-In-One, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Putting Green contests.

The award granting ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Naceur Hidoussi, AmCham Tunisia President as well as AmCham Tunisia Board members and friends from golf amateurs.

The outing was followed by a trophy ceremony where winning golfers were granted the outstanding prizes offered by AmCham Tunisia Sponsors: Atlas Auto (HAVAL), ARGANIA ( PACO RABANNE), CEREALIS, Hexabyte, Coca Cola & Co-Art indeed, this prestigious event has not been a success without their generous support.

Finally, many thanks go to the Residence Golf Course represented by Mr. Nidhal Ben Guebila and his team for the perfect organization the GGA & FTG. Congratulations to the winners of this year’s tournament.


AmCham Tunisia Export Lab

The American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia is pleased to announce the new partnership with MIDDLE EAST PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE (MEPI). “The Export Lab”, will support  and increase the Tunisian Exports to the US market and will target mainly the small and Medium Enterprises in three sectors: Agribusiness, Handicrafts, and New Technologies.

interested members and companies are requested to contact AmCham Tunisia at :


The 2017 AmCham Tunisia Elective General Assembly was held on Monday, September 25th, at Le Paris Hotel, les Berges de Lac. It was chaired by Mr. Khaled Babbou, President of AmCham Tunisia.

After the Presentation and adoption of the AmCham Activity Report as well the financial report and the Reading of the Auditor’s statement on the accounts of AmCham Tunisia, the General Assembly proceeded to the election of new Board Members.

The elected new Board of Directors is composed of:

I. President: Mr. Naceur Hidoussi

2. Vice- Presidents:

  • VP in charge of PR & Communication/ Mrs. Rym Bedoui Ayari
  • VP in charge of Industry/ Mr. Karim Gahbiche
  • VP in charge of Investment / Mr. Ziad Oueslati
  • VP in charge of Training & Education / Mr. Noureddine Hajji
  • VP in charge of ICT/ Mr. Adel Dahmani
  • VP in charge of Commerce / Mr. Mohamed Ben Rhouma
  • VP in charge of Membership and Fundraising / Mr. Tarak Yacine Hamila
  • VP in charge of Legal Affairs/ Me. Mohamed Zaanouni
  • VP in charge of Entrepreneurship & Innovation / Mr. Mohamed Bridaa
  • VP in charge of Transport, aviation and logistics/ Mr. Anis Riahi

3. Treasurer: Mr. Adel Mohsen Chaabane

4. Deputy Treasurer: Mr. Etienne Roumier

5. General Secretary: Mrs. Lamia Fourati

6. Deputy General Secretary: Mrs. Hela Fourati

7. Board Members:

  • Mr. Haykel Belhassine
  • Mr. Xavier Bouyer
  • Mr. Mohamed Raed Hergli
  • Mrs. Neila Ben Zina
  • Mr. Sofiane Ben Tounes
  • Mr. Aymen Erraies
  • Mr. Ali Amine Ayedi
  • Mr. Adel Torjmen
  • Mr. Iskander Ben Mustapha
  • Mr. Skander Ghattas

Khaled Babbou Signed An Mou With Amcham Libya

AmCham Tunisia held a lunch Discussion on 30 March 2017 in Tunis (Sheraton Hotel Tunis). AmCham Tunisia welcomed the sister organization AmCham Libya, Mrs Debbie Hirst, Director of AmCham Libya and  was one of the key speakers.
During the luncheon; the various speakers made presentations on their various projects and their sectors of activities.

M.Khaled  Babbou, AmCham President welcomed the presence and thanked the sponsors of this event and stressed on the role that can play  the two chambers to  reinforce  the  business relations between the two countries.

Mrs Hirst made the first presentation where she spoke about her experience as a foreign investor; resident in Libya and the challenges and opportunities this presents. She spoke about AmCham Libya; a newly created organization aimed at assisting American businesses in Libya and Libyan companies interested in the US markets and opportunities.

After the presentation of Mrs Hirst an MoU was signed between the two chambers.

Later M.Colin B.Waitt, VP of LMI  gave a presentation on his company specializing in consulting management for the American government, created over 55 years ago. LMI was set up in Libya in 2013 and has maintained its activities with its Libyan partners despite logistical problems and travel difficulties.

M. Zied Oueslati  and M. Mohamed Bridaa, AmCham VP’s closed the presentations by summing up the ongoing activities of their companies (Microsoft) in Libya and with Libyan clients; some of which is carried out through Tunisia.

At the end of the presentations, a Q&A session was opened. The participants asked various questions on the current situation in Libya on issues such as security; foreign currency; travel difficulties, forecasting the future for American companies or Tunisian companies in Libya, etc…. The speakers answered the questions in a very open and frank manner.

Amcham Center Chapter Opening Ceremony

On February 15th, 2017, AmCham Tunisia inaugurated its third Chapter in Sousse “the AmCham Chapter for the Center”, and the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The inauguration was marked by the presence of H.E Daniel Rubinstein, US Ambassador to Tunisia, AmCham  Tunisia Board Members , Members of the Tunisian Assembly of the Representatives of the People (parliament), and business community from the region.

Mr. Kamel Zarrad, Chairman of the new chapter spoke about the existing industries in the region such as the textile sector and the potential it carries for the region and how he will work toward promoting US investment in the region in this sector and others.

Mr. Khaled Babbou, Chairman of AmCham Tunisia stated that the creation of this new Chapter is an opportunity for AmCham board members attending the event, to highlight the commitment of AmCham to promote business development in all the regions of the country, and to boost business relations between the two countries and expressed his thanks to all for their presence, and thanked H.E Daniel Rubinstein, US Ambassador to Tunisia for attending this inauguration in a region with a high potential for business and trade.

H.E Daniel Rubinstein welcomed the presence and congratulated the new Chapter Board. He underlined that this new AmCham Center Chapter will serve the business community in the Center of Tunisia, aiming to promote US investments in the region as well as assist Tunisian businesses from the area to access the US market.

M Karim Garnaoui, Vice President of the new chapter introduced the new board for the Center Chapter, made up of:

  • President : Kamel Zarrad
  • Vice President : Karim Garnaoui
  • General Secretary : Mansour Tritar
  • Deputy General Secretary : Maher Abdallah
  • Treasurer : Salim Hadj Mabrouk
  • Deputy Treasurer : Hichem Turki
  • Vice President in charge of Textile : Maher Abdallah
  • Vice President in charge of Tourism : Meriam Driss
  • Vice President in charge of Handicraft : Lotfi Ghozzi
  • Vice President in charge of Agri-Business: Habib Douss
  • Vice President in charge of Mechanical / Electronical and Plastic Injection : Chakib Debbabi
  • Vice President in charge of IT : WASSEL BERRAYENA
  • Vice President in charge of government relations and public institutions : Taoufik Laaribi

To close this ceremony, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between AmCham Tunisia and the AmCham Center Chapter, making it the third AmCham Chapter after Bizerte and Sfax.

Amcham Tunisia 5th Yearly Breakfast Debate In Honor Of Columbia University Students’ Delegation

2017, is the fifth year that AmCham Tunisia has hosted a student delegation from Columbia University Business School. This year’s delegation was composed of 30 MBA Students headed by Professor Kamel Jedidi, the John A. Howard Professor of Business Marketing at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York.

On this occasion, AmCham Tunisia organized a Breakfast Debate, and the Panel was led by Mr. Mohamed Bridaa, General Manager, Microsoft and was composed of Mr. Khaled Babbou, President, AmCham, Mr. Noureddine Hajji, Partner EY and Mr. Ali Kooli, General Manager Arab Banking Corporation.

Mr. Mohamed Bridaa, welcomed the delegation and expressed AmCham’s commitment for deeper collaboration with academia through focusing on AmCham University Chapters and especially, the commitment of AmCham to support the implementation of a Columbia Global Center in Tunisia.

Prof. Kamel Jedidi, John A. Howard Professor of Business Marketing, warmly thanked AmCham Tunisia for the support to his students’ delegations during the previous years.

The Panelists shared their view on Tunisia’s competitive advantage for foreign investors such as qualified and competitive labor force, good geographical location, and the entrepreneurial spirit and activities ongoing in Tunisia.

Amcham Tunisia Participation In The U.s.-africa Business Forum

The American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia (AmCham Tunisia) participated in the second 2016 U.S.-Africa Business Forum which was held on September 21st in New York City  with the attendance of nearly 35 countries and over 200 US companies.

Co-hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the U.S. Department of Commerce, the event focused on trade and investment opportunities on the continent for African heads of government and American business leaders. This Forum was hosted on the occasion of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly; and witnessed the presence of many high officials, notably, President Barak Obama, Secretary John Kerry and Secretary Penny Pritzker.

Exceptionally, the event was enhanced by the presence of the President of the Tunisian Republic, Mr.  Beji Caïed Essebbsi, as an honorary guest, as well as members the Tunisian government.

AmCham Tunisia was represented by Mr. Khaled Babbou, President of AmCham and also Ms. Amel Bouchamaoui Hammami and Mr. Mondher Ben Ayed, both former presidents of Tunisia AmCham.

Amcham Tunisia Golf Tournament 2016

On September 10th, 2016, AmCham Tunisia hosted again its 9th Annual Golf Tournament. Players have been gathered to enjoy a day of relaxation and golf along with the lovely amenities that make being on the green a great day of fun.

Starting with an 8:30 AM registration, more than 80 participants teed off at 10:00 AM competing for Hole-In-One, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Putting Green contests.

The outing was followed by a trophy ceremony where winning golfers were granted the outstanding prizes offered by AmCham Tunisia Sponsors: TOPNET, Argania – GIVENCHY, Nuxe, Air France; indeed, this prestigious event has not been a success without their generous support.

The award granting ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Khaled Babbou, AmCham Tunisia President, H.E. Daniel Rubinstein, the U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia, and many of AmCham Tunisia Board members and friends from golf amateurs.

Finally, many thanks go to the Residence Golf Course represented by Mr. Nidhal Ben Guebila and his team for the perfect organization.

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s tournament:

2émé Série Hommes

  • 2émé Net : Rodhain Stéphane
  • 1er Net : Le comte Patrick
  • 1er Brut : Pernice Enrico

1éré Série Hommes

  • 2émé Net : Ben Jannet Mustapha
  • 1er Net : Leveque Christian
  • 1er Brut : Osmani Walid

Série Dames

  • 2émé Net : Hajri amel
  • 1ére Net : Lacoste Béatrice
  • 1ére Brut : Lila Mizouni